Renner, B/ Galloway, DJ 1982: Phycosymbiodemes in Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand. - Mycotaxon16: 197-231. [RLL List # 115-65 / Rec.# 15516] Keywords: PHYCOSYMBIODEMES/ PSEUDOCYPHELLARIA/ NEW TAXA/ NEW ZEALAND/ CHIMERAS
Abstract: 11 figures. [Three cases of joined thalli in New Zealand species of Pseudocyphellaria are discussed in detail. The term phycosymbiodeme is proposed for joined thalli commonly found in the suborder Peltigerineae, particularly the Peltigeraceae and Lobariaceae. New: Pseudocyphellaria allanii D. Galloway, sp. nov; P. margaretae D. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. murrayii D. Galloway, sp. nov.; and P. rufovirescens (Church. Bab.) D. Galloway, comb. nov.]