Whiton, JC/ Lawrey, JD 1982: Inhibition of Cladonia cristatella and Sordaria fimicola ascospore germination by lichen acids. - The Bryologist85: 222-226. [RLL List # 115-91 / Rec.# 20253] Keywords: CLADONIA/ SPORE GERMINATION/ INHIBITION/ CHEMISTRY/ ALLELOPATHY/ SORDARIA/ EVERNIC/ STICTIC/ VULPINIC
Abstract: 1 table. [Ascospore germination was tested using evernic, stictic and vulpinic acids at various pH levels. Inhibitory effects were much more pronounced in Sordaria than Cladonia ascospores. "Lichen acids appear to be capable of functioning as allelopathic agents in nature; however, lichenized fungi may be better able to tolerate the inhibitory effects of lichen acids than nonlichenized fungi."]