Marton, K/ Galun, M 1981: The cyanophilous lichen population of the 'Arava Valley and the Judean Desert (Israel). - Israel Journal of Botany30: 125-155. [RLL List # 118-54 / Rec.# 12376] Keywords: ISRAEL/ NEW TAXA/ CYANOPHILIC LICHENS/ GLOEOHEPPIA/ HEPPIA/ PELTULA/ DESERTS/ KEY
Abstract: 31 figures. 1 table. [Thirty taxa are treated with keys of which 13 are new to Israel. New: Gloeoheppia erosa (Stnr.) K. Marton, comb. nov.; Heppia paulina K. Marton, sp. nov. and Peltula impressula (H. Magn.) K. Marton, comb. nov. "It is suggested that four species of Psorotrichia should be transferred to Porocyphus and three Heppia species to Pterygiopsis." Other changes in synonymy are proposed.]