Galloway, DJ/ James, PW/ Wilkins, AL 1983: Further nomenclatural and chemical notes on Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand. - Lichenologist15: 135-145. [RLL List # 119-38 / Rec.# 6222] Keywords: NEW ZEALAND/ ACIDS/ PSEUDOCYPHELLARIA/ NEW TAXA
Abstract: 2 tables. [Nomenclatural notes are presented for five species and chemical profiles for all New Zealand taxa are listed in a table. New: Pseudocyphellaria ardesiaca G. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. degelii (D. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. durietzii D. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. fimbriata, D. Galloway & P. James, sp. nov.; P. fimbriatoides D. Galloway & P. James, sp. nov.; P. gretae D. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. knightii D. Galloway, sp. nov.; P. maculata D. Galloway, sp. nov.; and P. sericeofulva D. Galloway, sp. nov.]