Culberson, CF/ Hale, ME", Jr./ Tønsberg, T/ Johnson, A 1984: New depsides from the lichen Dimelaena oreina and Fuscidea viridis. - Mycologia76: 148-160. [RLL List # 120-32 / Rec.# 3749] Keywords: DEPSIDES/ OWN/ FUSCIDEA/ DIMELAENA/ PHYSCIACEAE/ LECIDEACEAE/ TLC/ HPLC / CALIFORNIA
Abstract: 4 tables. 2 figures. [New depsides from Dimelaena oreina from California are isosphaeric and superlatolic acids. Fuscidea viridis Tønsb., sp. nov. is described from Norway and Sweden and contains the new substances hyperlatolic and isohyperlatolic acids.]