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Galun, M/ Bubrick, P/ Frensdorff, A 1984: Initial stages in fungus-alga interaction. - Lichenologist 16: 103-110. [RLL List # 121-32 / Rec.# 6322]
Abstract: 4 figures. [Authors review information on the initial stages of symbiont interaction in lichens, particularlly in reference to their work with ABP (algal-binding protein). "So far, we have found that ABP fulfills several of the criteria of a molecule involved in the 'recognition', or initial interaction between lichen symbionts. We hypothesize that the attachment of preferred algal cells to mycobiont hyphae via molecules such as ABP or phytohaemagglutinins may be an essential step in the reassociation of some lichens. It seems that the reassociation of separated lichen bionts is a complex, multi-step phenomenon in which a series of selective events culminates in the most suitable combination of partners."]

[Email correction]

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