Brodo, IM/ Vitikainen, O 1984: The typification of Lecanora subfusca (L.) Ach., its varieties, and some of its related taxa published before 1850. - Mycotaxon21: 281-298. [RLL List # 123-11 / Rec.# 2433] Keywords: LECANORA/ OWN/ TYPIFICATION
Abstract: 1 table. ["Twenty-two early epithets used for species of crustose lichens in the Lecanora subfusca group are typified based on an examination of material mainly in the Acharian Herbarium in Helsinki. Lichen subfuscus L. will be proposed for rejection as a nom. ambig.; L. argentata (Ach.) Malme must replace L. subfuscata H. Magn.; and a new species (L. circumborealis Brodo & Vitikainen) is described to accomodate L. coilocarpa auct., non (Ach.) Nyl. Other pre-1850 names and their synonyms are listed and discussed."]