Tschermak-Woess, E 1984: Uber die weite Verbreitung lichenisierter Sippen von Dictyochloropsis und die systematische Stellung von Myrmecia reticulata (Chlorophyta). - Plant Systematics and Evolution147: 299-322. [RLL List # 123-112 / Rec.# 19037] Keywords: ALGAE/ PHYCOBIONTS/ MYRMECIA/ MEGALOSPORA/ CATINARIA/ DICTYOCHLOROPSIS/ KEY/ NEW ZEALAND
Abstract: 9 figures. 1 table. [A new variety of Dictyochloropsis splendida is described from Catinaria grossa from New Zealand. Phycobionts of Megalospora species are also investigated. "The phycobiont of Pseudochphellaria aurata does not belong to Myrmecia reticulata as formerly thought, but to Dictyochloropsis symbiontica."]