Coppins, BJ/ James, PW 1984: New or interesting British lichens V. - Lichenologist16: 241-264. [RLL List # 123-17 / Rec.# 3494] Keywords: TRAPELIACEAE/ PLACYNTHIELLA/ NEW TAXA/ APHANOPSIS/ TRAPELIOPSIS/ OWN/ KEY/ BRITISH ISLES
Abstract: 4 figures. [Authors supply notes and keys to British members of the family Trapeliaceae. New: Placynthiella hyporhoda (Th. Fr.) comb. nov., P. icmalea (Ach.) comb. nov., P. oligotropha (Laundon) comb. nov., P. uliginosa (Schrader) comb. nov., Aphanopsis coenosa (Ach.) comb. nov., Trapelia corticola sp. nov., T. placodioides sp. nov., Trapeliopsis aeneofusca (Florke ex Flotow) comb. nov., T. flexuosa (Fr.) comb. nov., T. gelatinosa (Florke) comb. nov., T. pseudogranulosa sp. nov., T. viridescens (Schrader) comb. nov.]