Letrouit-Galinou, MA 1984: Le developpement des pycnides de l'ascolichen Lecanactis premnea (Ach.) Arn. - Cryptogamie, Bryologie et Lichenologie5: 269-280. [RLL List # 123-78 / Rec.# 11388] Keywords: PYCNIDIA/ OWN/ DEVELOPMENT/ LECANACTIS
Abstract: 15 figures. ["The pycnidia of Lecanactis premnea (Ach.) Arn. are similar to those of L. abietina (Ach.) Körb. and L. subabietina Coppins and James. The cavity forms early and the conidiophores are of the types I and II (Vobis 1980). A difference is the existence of a reduced ostiolar apparatus, a link to the Roccella ontogenical type."]