Canaani, O/ Ronen, R/ Garty, J/ Cahen, D/ Malkin, S/ Galun, M 1984: Photoacoustic study of the green alga Trebouxia in the lichen Ramalina duriaei in vivo. - Photosynthesis Research5: 297-306. [RLL List # 124-18 / Rec.# 2877] Keywords: PHOTOACOUSTIC/ RAMALINA/ TREBOUXIA/ ALGAE/ PHOTOSYNTHESIS/ OXYGEN DIFFUSION
Abstract: 6 figures. ["Analysis of oxygen diffusion in the symbiont alga, from the modulation frequency dependence of the ratio of oxygen evolution to photothermal signal component is consistent with an average diffusion path of about 4um, compared to a smaller, 1um, average diffusion path obtained in green leaves."]