Matthes-Sears, U/ Nash, TH", III/ Larson, DW 1986: The ecology of Ramalina menziesii. IV. In situ photosynthetic patterns and water relations of reciprocal trnsplants between two sites on a coastal-inland gradient. - Canadian Journal of Botany64: 1183-1187. [RLL List # 128-73 / Rec.# 12440] Keywords: ECOLOGY/ RAMALINA/ CALIFORNIA/ WATER RELATIONS/ PHOTOSYNTHESIS/ TRANSPLANTS/ GROWTH/ POPULATIONS/ GRADIENTS
Abstract: 1 table. 4 figures. ["The comparison showed that thallus water content of the two morphological forms was not significantly different when atmospheric humidity was low. In a humid atmosphere, however, the coastal samples maintained a slightly higher hydration level than the inland samples. This resulted in slightly higher photosynthetic rates when water content was low. At higher hydration levels, the inland samples photosynthesized at a higher rate than the coastal samples. It is possible that these differences are an effect of increased salt load in coastal thalli."]