Coppins, BJ/ Purvis, OW 1987: A review of Psilolechia. - Lichenologist19: 29-42. [RLL List # 129-36 / Rec.# 3504] Keywords: PSILOLECHIA/ LECIDEA/ STICHOCOCCUS/ GREENLAND/ TASMANIA/ ANAMORPH/ NEW TAXA/ KEY/ PHOTOBIONT/ EUROPE
Abstract: 4 figures. [Recognition of four species; key. New: Psilolechia leprosa sp. nov. from NW Europe and Greenland and P. purpurascens sp. nov. from Tasmania. "A hyphomycetous anamorph is described for P. clavulifera, and anomalous forms of P. lucida with a vicarious, Stichococcus photobiont are reported."]