Nash, TH", III/ Kappen, L/ Losch, R/ Matthes-Sears, U/ Larson, DW 1987: Cold resistance of lichens. - In: E. Peveling (ed.): Progress and Problems in Lichenology in the Eighties. . Bibliotheca Lichenologica No. 25. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart pp. 313-317. [RLL List # 131 / Rec.# 13357] Keywords: COLD RESISTANCE/ UMBILICARIA/ NIEBLA/ DENDROGRAPHA/ ECOPHYSIOLOGY/ TRENTEPOHLIA
Abstract: 1 figure. ["Lichens are quite frost resistant in comparison with other plant groups. Nevertheless, a wide range in degree of frost resistance exists among species, the most frost susceptible of which are apparently the Trentepohlia-containing species."]