Henssen, A/ Dobelmann, A 1987: Development of the spongiostratum in Anzia and Pannoparmelia. - In: E. Peveling (ed.): Progress and Problems in Lichenology in the Eighties. . Bibliotheca Lichenologica No. 25. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart pp. 103-108. [RLL List # 131 / Rec.# 8283] Keywords: PANNOPARMELIA/ ANZIA/ TOMENTUM/ SPONGIOSTRATUM/ DEVELOPMENT
Abstract: 8 figures. ["The spongiostratum in Anzia and Pannoparmelia is a homologous structure originating in both genera from a meristematic zone in the apical part of the lobes; it is neither a derivative from the medulla nor from the lower cortex."]