Galloway, DJ/ Jørgensen, PM 1987: Studies in the lichen family Pannariaceae II. The genus Leioderma Nyl. - Lichenologist19: 345-400. [RLL List # 132 / Rec.# 6230] Keywords: LEIODERMA/ KEY/ BRITISH COLUMBIA/ NEW TAXA/ SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE/ PANNARIACEAE/ PARMELIELLA/ NEW ZEALAND
Abstract: 2 tables. 31 figures. [Recognition of seven species; key. New: Leioderma subgen. Fuscoderma subgen. nov., L. applanatum sp. nov., L. duplicatum (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., L. erythrocarpum (Delise ex Nyl.) comb. nov., L. glabrum sp. nov., L. sorediatum sp. nov., and Parmeliella subgranulata sp. nov. Parmeliella granulata is recorded as new to New Zealand.]