Noble, WJ/ Ahti, T/ Otto, GF/ Brodo, IM 1987: A second checklist and bibliography of the lichens and allied fungi of British Columbia. - Syllogeus61: 1-95. [RLL List # 133 / Rec.# 13661] Keywords: CANADA/ BRITISH COLUMBIA/ CHECKLIST
Abstract: 1 table. 1 figure. ["A total of 1013 species in 205 genera, 18 subspecies, 33 varieties, and 2 forms are reported for British Columbia. Synonyms and unreliable records are also recorded. The 40 taxa originally described from the province are listed. The checklist is based upon reports in approximately 300 papers as well as herbarium specimens at CANL, H, and UBC. These papers are listed in the bibliography given at the conclusion of the list."]