Hertel, H 1987: Bemerkenswerte Funde sudhemispharischer, saxicoler Arten der Sammelgattung Lecidea. - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München23: 321-340. [RLL List # 134 / Rec.# 8462] Keywords: SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE/ LECIDEA/ SPORASTATIA/ PORPIDIA/ RIMULARIA/ TRAPELIA/ AMYGDALARIA/ LECANORA/ FUSCIDEA/ POELTIDEA/ POELTIARIA/ TASMANIA/ NEW GUINEA/ ANTARCTIC/ NEW TAXA
Abstract: 4 figures. [Many new records of saxicolous lecideoid taxa from the Southern Hemisphere. New: Rimularia psephota (Tuck.) Hertel & Rambold, comb. nov. The genus Lambiella Hertel is included in Rimularia, and Nothoporpidia Hertel and Zosterodiscus Hertel are reduced to synonymy with Lecidea. "Lecidea irrubens Zahlbr. is reduced to synonymy with Lecidea lygomma Nyl."]