Winer, WE/ Atkinson, CJ/ Nash, TH", III 1988: Comparisons of SO2 absorption capacities of mosses, lichens, and vascular plants in diverse habitats. - In: T. H. Nash, III & V. Wirth (eds.): Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality. . Bibliotheca Lichenologica No. 30. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart pp. 217-230. [RLL List # 135 / Rec.# 20329] Keywords: ABSORPTION/ SO2/ AIR POLLUTION
Abstract: 3 figures. 2 tables. ["Analysis indicates that mosses in all habitats are potentially 100 to 1000 times stronger SO2 sinks on a dry weight basis than are vascular plants. Similarly one well studied arctic lichen is estimated to absorb well over 100 times as much SO2 as arctic vascular plants. Adjustments for variability in moss or lichen water contents reduce absorption estimates, but estimates still exceed vascular plant absorption estimates by 100 times."]