Hertel, H/ Rambold, G 1988: Lecidea mosigii (Koerb.) Anzi -- eine Art der Gattung Orphniospora Koerb. (Fuscideaceae, Teloschistales). - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München27: 111-123. [RLL List # 136 / Rec.# 8407] Keywords: LECIDEA/ ORPHNIOSPORA/ FUSCIDEACEAE/ NEW TAXA
Abstract: 1 figure. 1 table. [New: Orphniospora mosigii (Koerb.) comb. nov. "The distribution of O. mosigii is mapped, some new reports for Australia are given of O. moriopsis." The genus Fuscidea is considered to be close to Orphniospora and the family Orphniosporaceae is reduced to synonymy with the Fuscideaceae.]