Santesson, R 1989: Parasymbiotic fungi on the lichen-forming basidiomycete Omphalina foliacea. - Nordic Journal of Botany9(1): 97-99. [RLL List # 139 / Rec.# 16284] Keywords: OMPHALINA/ PARASYMBIONTS/ NEW TAXA/ VENEZUELA/ COLOMBIA/ LICHENOPELTELLA/ STIGMIDIUM/ NORRLINIA
Abstract: 1 figure. ["The parasymbiotic fungi Norrlinia peltigericola, Lichenopeltella minuta sp. nov., and Stigmidium joergensenii sp. nov. are reported on Omphalina foliacea from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. The taxonomic position of Lichenopeltella is discussed and the new combination Lichenopeltella cetrariicola is made."]