Galloway, DJ 1988: Erik Acharius and his influence on English lichenology. - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany Series18(2): 149-194. [RLL List # 139 / Rec.# 6274] Keywords: ACHARIUS/ BRITISH ISLES/ HISTORY
Abstract: 18 figures. 1 table. ["The influence of Acharius and Swartz on the development of lichenology in England in the early years of the 19th century is here traced through unpublished contemporary correspondence between Acharius and Swartz in Sweden, and Smith and Turner in England. The circumstances surrounding Acharius's important gift of lichens to the Linnean Society of London [now in the herbarium of the British Museum (Natural History)] are described, and a list of the lichens in BM-ACH appended."]