Hawksworth, DL/ Santesson, R 1990: A revision of the lichenicolous fungi previously referred to Phragmonaevia. - In: H. M. Jahns (ed.): Contributions to Lichenology in Honour of A. Henssen. . Bibliotheca Lichenologica. No. 38. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart pp. 121-143. [RLL List # 141 / Rec.# 7921] Keywords: PHRAGMONAEVIA/ NEW TAXA/ LICHENICOLOUS/ LECANORALES/ CORTICIFRAGA/ LETTAUIA/ KEYS
Abstract: 24 figures. [New: Corticifraga gen. nov., C. fuckelii (Rehm) comb. nov., C. peltigerae (Fuckel) comb. nov., Lettauia gen. nov., and L. cladoniicola sp. nov. The first taxon is widespread whereas the second is known only from Germany and Spain.]