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Nash, TH", III/ Reiner, A/ Demmig-Adams, B/ Kilian, E/ Kaiser, WM/ Lange, OL 1990: The effect of atmospheric desiccation and osmotic water stress on photosynthesis and dark respiration of lichens. - New Phytologist 116: 269-276. [RLL List # 142 / Rec.# 13364]
Abstract: 1 table. 2 figures. [Study of photosynthetic and respiratory rates was conducted on Ramalina menziesii, Dendrographa minor, Evernia prunastri, and Pseudocyphellaria anthraspis from California by changing water potential through desiccation or osmotic stress using sea salt or sorbitol solutions. "These species provide a model system to differentiate the effect of atmospheric desiccation and osmotic stress on lichen metabolism, and to study the interaction of drought per se with other stress factors such as salt and high light."]

[Email correction]

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