Boonpragob, K/ Nash, TH", III 1990: Seasonal variation of elemental status in the lichen Ramalina menziesii Tayl. from two sites in Southern California: evidence for dry deposition accumulation. - Environmental and Experimental Botany30(4): 415-428. [RLL List # 142 / Rec.# 2138] Keywords: SEASONAL VARIATION/ RAMALINA MENZIESII/ CALIFORNIA/ METALS/ TRANSPLANTS/ AIR POLLUTION
Abstract: 4 figures. 4 tables. [Transplant study in California in relation to air pollution levels. "Total concentration of most elements did not exhibit distinct seasonal patterns but the higher concentrations exceeded background levels by factors of 1.3-3.7, depending on the element. In contrast, the elements in the leachates at the control and the polluted site exhibited distinct seasonal patterns with higher concentrations generally present in summer than in winter. These elemental patterns reflected not only atmospheric deposition patterns, but also intracellular release of elements as injury occurred and to a lesser extent accumulation of marine aerosols and soil particulates."]