Rambold, G/ Schuhwerk, F/ Triebel, D 1991 [1992]: Die grosssystematischen Einheiten der Ordnung Lecanorales (Ascomycetes) und ihre ökologischen Präferenzen. - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München30: 385-400. [RLL List # 148 / Rec.# 15267] Keywords: LECANORALES/ SUBSTRATE/ SYSTEMATICS
Abstract: 8 fig. 3 tab. ["On the basis of a modified outline of the Lecanorales, the different ecological preferences of the suborders are illustrated with the help of the systematical spectra of some selected lichen associations." On the original title page, the word "Präferenzen" was mistakenly replaced by the word "Bedeutung, " although the title appeared correctly in the journal table of contents.]