Ahti, T/ Aptroot, A 1992: Lichens of Madagascar: Cladoniaceae. - Cryptogamie, Bryologie-Lichénologie13(2): 117-124. [RLL List # 148 / Rec.# 251] Keywords: BIOGEOGRAPHY/ CLADIA/ CLADONIA/ ENDEMISM/ MADAGASCAR
Abstract: ["Thirty-five lichen species of the family Cladoniaceae are reported from the Madagascan floristic region. Twenty-two species, all from Madagascar, including eight new to the island, are treated in more detail, with citations of new localities and notes on their taxonomy, chemistry, nomenclature and typification." New to Madagascar: Cladonia borbonica, C. chlorophaea, C. hedbergii, C. praetermissa, C. subpungens, C. subradiata, C. subsquamosa.]