Galloway, DJ 1992: Checklist of New Zealand Lichens. - DSIR Land Resources Scientific Report, No. 26, DSIR Land Resources, Christchurch. 58 pp. [RLL List # 149 / Rec.# 6284] Keywords: CHECKLIST/ NEW ZEALAND
Abstract: ["A checklist and classification of New Zealand lichens is presented based on recently published phyletic schemes in the Ascomycotina, and on revisions of individual families and genera. The checklist comprises 274 genera (251 of lichen-forming fungi, and 21 of lichenicolous fungi), and 1190 taxa (1162 species, and 28 infraspecific taxa). Synonyms are given of all validly published lichen names based on New Zealand types or used by authors with reference to the New Zealand flora. Relevant recent literature sources are included, where applicable, under particular genera." New: Catapyrenium insigne (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., Neuropogon pseudocapillaris (F. J. Walker) comb. nov., N. sphacelatus (R. Br.) comb. nov.]