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Nimis, PL 1993: The Lichens of Italy. - Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. 897 pp. [RLL List # 153 / Rec.# 13629]
Abstract: [A comprehensive, annotated checklist of the 2, 145 infrageneric taxa of Italian lichens. Includes a brief history of lichenology in Italy and its twenty administrative regions, as well as a section on biogeography and substrates. For each species, the basionym and a partial synonymy are given, as well as a note on the ecology and distribution. No keys are included. New: Cladonia ciliata var. tenuis (Flörke) comb. nov., Diplotomma scheideggerianum (Bricaud & Roux) comb. nov., Megalaria laureri (Th. Fr.) Hafellner comb. nov., Megaspora verrucosa var. mutabilis (Ach.) Nimis & Roux comb. nov., Phaeophyscia poeltii (Hue) comb. nov., Protoparmelia psarophana (Nyl.) Sancho & Crespo comb. nov., Ramalina capitata var. digitellata (Nyl.) comb. nov. & var. protecta (Magnusson) comb. nov., Solenopsora cesatii var. grisea (Bagl.) comb. nov., Tephromela atra var. cypria (Körber) comb. nov.]

[Email correction]

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