Nash, T, III/ Wetmore, C/ Anderson, W/ Bratt, C/ Denison, W/ Eversman, S/ Murray, B/ St. Clair, L 1993: Floristics. - In: Stolte, K/Mangis, D/Doty, R/Tonnessen, K/Huckaby, LS (eds.): Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Quality. . General Technical Report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado pp. 6-15. [RLL List # 154 / Rec.# 13344] Keywords: AIR POLLUTION/ BIOINDICATION/ FLORISTICS
Abstract: 1 appnd. [Discussion of the processes and value of baseline floristic studies in using lichens as bioindicator.]