Galloway, DJ 1994: Studies on the lichen genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: II. Typification of taxa from Swartz's Prodromus of 1788. - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany24(1): 35-48. [RLL List # 156 / Rec.# 6294] Keywords: CARIBBEAN/ CENTRAL AMERICA/ NOMENCLATURE/ STICTA/ SWARTZ/ TYPIFICATION
Abstract: 9 fig. [Three of Swartz's names are considered and typified, Lichen damaecornis, L. tomentosus and L. laciniatus. The latter name is an illegitimate later homonym, and the specimens involved actually represent two species which are described as new: Sticta laciniosa sp. nov. (from Jamaica and Colombia), S. swartzii sp. nov. (from Jamaica).]