Galun, M/ Kardish, N 1995: Lectins as determinants of symbiotic specificity in lichens. - Cryptogamic Botany5(2): 144-148. [RLL List # 159 / Rec.# 6328] Keywords: LECTINS/ PHOTOBIONT/ PHOTOBIONT SPECIFICITY/ PHYCOBIONT SELECTIVITY/ SYMBIOSIS
Abstract: 7 fig. 2 tab. ["The lectin NLA, isolated from the lichen Nephroma laevigatum and the lectin ABP isolated from the lichen Xanthoria parietina were purified and characterized. The interaction of these molecules with the homologous photobionts, respectively, and their interaction with heterologous photobionts was examined. A possible role of NLA and ABP in the discrimination between compatible and incompatible photobionts is suggested."]