Lutzoni, FM/ Brodo, IM 1995: A generic redelimitation of the Ionaspis-Hymenelia complex (lichenized Ascomycotina). - Systematic Botany20(3): 224-258. [RLL List # 160 / Rec.# 11925] Keywords: ALLOZYMES/ ASCUS APEX/ ASCUS TYPES/ ASPICILIA/ CLADISTICS/ CLASSIFICATION/ EIGLERA/ ENZYME POLYMORPHISMS/ GENERIC CONCEPTS/ HYMENELIA/ HYMENELIACEAE/ IONASPIS
Abstract: 10 fig. 7 tab. 1 appendix ["A review of the North American taxa within the Ionaspis-Hymenelia complex and a cladistic analysis of morphological-anatomical data and enzyme electrophoresis data have revealed delimitations at the generic level that differ from those currently in use." New: Hymenelia arctica (Lynge) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. carnulosa (Arnold) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. cyanocarpa (Anzi) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. epulotica (Ach.) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. fuegensis (P. M. Jörg. & R. Sant.) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. haematina (Körb.) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. heteromorpha (Kremp.) Lutzoni comb. nov., H. rhodopis (Sommerf.) Lutzoni comb. nov., Ionaspis lacustris (With.) Lutzoni comb. nov.]