Kondratyuk, SY/ Galloway, DJ 1995: Some new species of lichenicolous fungi. - In: Farkas, EE/Lücking, R/Wirth, V (eds.): Scripta Lichenologica - Lichenological Papers Dedicated to Antonín Vezda. . Bibliotheca Lichenologica, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart pp. 235-244. [RLL List # 161 / Rec.# 10318] Keywords: CAPRONIA/ ECUADOR/ LICHENICOLOUS/ NORRLINIA/ PEZIZELLA/ SOUTH AMERICA/ UKRAINE/ UNGUICULARIOPSIS/ VENEZUELA
Abstract: 4 fig. [New: Capronia epilobarina sp. nov. (on Lobaria from Ecuador), Unguiculariopsis lobariellum sp. nov. (on Lobaria cf. erosa from Venezuela and Ecuador), Norrlinia medoborensis S. Kondr. sp. nov. (on Peltigera rufescens from the Ukraine), Pezizella ucrainica S. Kondr. sp. nov. (on Cladonia phyllophora.]