Honegger, R 1995: Experimental studies with foliose macrolichens: fungal responses to spatial disturbance at the organismic level and to spatial problems at the cellular level during drought stress events. - Canadian Journal of Botany73(Suppl. 1): 569-578. [RLL List # 161 / Rec.# 8723] Keywords: CRYOFIXATION/ DROUGHT STRESS/ INTRACELLULAR GAS BUBBLE/ LICHEN CULTURE/ LOBE GROWTH/ LOW TEMPERATURE SEM/ LOW TEMPERATURES/ POSITION DETECTION/ PSEUDOMERISTEM/ REGENERATION/ TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE/ WHOLE LICHEN CULTURE
Abstract: 35 fig. ["Improved culture methods and the application of cryotechniques in light and electron microscopy have allowed new insights at the organismic and cellular levels in mycobiont-photobiont relations of selected lichen species. Growth, regenerative capacity, and the ability to cope with spatial disturbances were tested in the foliose macrolichens Xanthoria parietina and Parmelia sulcata."]