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Hafellner, J 1996: Bemerkenswerte Funde von Flechten und lichenicole Pilze auf macaronesischen Inseln IV. Einige bisher übersehene lichenicole Arten der kanarischen Inseln [Remarkable records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Macaronesian islands IV. On some hitherto overlooked lichenicolous species of the Canary Islands]. - Cryptogamie, Bryologie-Lichénologie 17(1): 1-14. [RLL List # 162 / Rec.# 7286]
Abstract: [New to the Canary Islands: Homostegia piggotii, Lichenostigma mauereri, Nectria lecanodes, Polycoccum pulvinatum, Pyrenidium actinellum, Skyttea tephromelarum. New to Macaronesia: Bispora christiansenii, Cercidospora epipolytropa, C. ulothii, Corticifraga fuckelii, Laeviomyces opegraphae, L. pertusariicola, Leptosphaeria ramalinae, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, Lichenostigma elongata, Niesslia cladoniicola, Polycoccum kerneri, Roselliniella cladoniae, R. tartaricola, Skyttea nitschkei, Spirographa fusisporella, Stigmidium congestum, S. psorae, S. tabacinae, Vouauxiella verrucosa. New to Africa: Laeviomyces pertusariicola, Leptosphaeria ramalinae, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, Niesslia cladoniicola, Roselliniella cladoniae, Roselliniopsis tartaricola, Skyttea nitschkei, Spirographa fusisporella.]

[Email correction]

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