Henssen, A 1997: Santessoniella, a new cyanophilic genus of lichenized ascomycetes. - In: Tibell, L/Hedberg, I (eds.): Lichen Studies Dedicated to Rolf Santesson. . Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala pp. 75-93. [RLL List # 170 / Rec.# 8358] Keywords: CYANOLICHENS/ PANNARIACEAE/ PARMELIELLA/ SANTESSONIELLA
Abstract: 10 fig. [A new cyanophilic genus with a relationship to Parmeliella is described. New: Santessoniella gen. nov., S. arctophila (Th. Fr.) comb. nov., S. arctophila var. terricola var. nov. (Norway, Iceland, Greenland), S. arctophila var. glomerulosa (Th. Fr.) comb. nov., S. chilensis (Hue) comb. nov., S. elongata sp. nov. (Argentina, Chile), S. grisea (Hue) comb. nov., S. luctuosa (Hue) comb. nov., S. polychidioides (Zahlbr.) comb. nov.]