Scheidegger, C/ Frey, B/ Walser, JC 1998: Reintroduction and augmentation of populations of the endangered Lobaria pulmonaria: methods and concepts. - In: Kondratyuk, SY/Coppins, BJ (eds.): Lobarion Lichens as Indicators of the Primeval Forests of the Eastern Carpathians. . M. H. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Ukrainian Phytosociological Centre, Kiev pp. 33-52. [RLL List # 172 / Rec.# 16567] Keywords: CONSERVATION/ INTRODUCTION/ LOBARIA/ POPULATION SIZE/ RED LIST/ TRANSPLANTATION
Abstract: 5 fig. 3 tab. [From the "Darwin International Workshop, " held 25-30 May 1998 in Kostrino, organized by the M. H. Kholodny Institute of Botany and sponsored by the UK Darwin Initiative, European Commission.]