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Nimis, PL 1999: Il biomonitoraggio della "qualità dell'aria" in Italia. - In: Piccini, C/Salvati, S (eds.): Atti del Workshop "Biomonitoraggio della qualità dell'aria: stato dell'arte in Italia". . Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente, Rome pp. 173-189. [RLL List # 179 / Rec.# 13643]
Abstract: 3 fig. [Proceedings of a workshop on use of vascular plants, mosses, lichens, and a few other organisms in monitoring air pollution in Italy, held in Rome, 26-27 November 1998. This contribution ". is a critical discussion of some main terminological and methodological problems related to the use of biomonitors of 'air quality', with emphasis on the Italian experience, and on methods which can be applied on a large scale."]

[Email correction]

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