Trembley, ML/ Ringli, C/ Honegger, R 2002: Differential expression of hydrophobins DGH1, DGH2 and DGH3 and immunolocalization of DGH1 in strata of the lichenized basidocarp of Dictyonema glabratum. - New Phytologist154: 185-195. [RLL List # 187 / Rec.# 23372] Keywords: BASIDIOLICHENS/ ENZYMES/ HYDROPHOBINS/ PHOTOBIONT/ PROTEINS/ WATER TRANSPORT
Abstract: 5 fig. ["Dictyonema glabratum hydrophobins surround wall surfaces in the photobiont layer of the fruitbody. Hydrophobin layers probably function to keep interhyphal spaces water-free, seal the apoplast to enable water translocation, and define strata within the basidiocarp."]