Meier, FA/ Scherrer, S/ Honegger, R 2002: Faecal pellets of lichenivorous mites contain viable cells of the lichen-forming ascomycete Xanthoria parietina and its green algal photobiont, Trebouxia arboricola. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society76: 259-268. [RLL List # 190 / Rec.# 24070] Keywords: ARTHROPODS/ ASCOSPORE VIABILITY/ ASCOSPORES/ DISPERSAL/ FOOD/ GRAZING/ HYDROPHOBIN GENE SEQUENCE/ ITS/ MITES/ MOLECULAR BIOLOGY/ ORIBATIDS/ PHOTOBIONT/ PHOTOBIONT SOURCE/ RIBOSOMAL DNA/ TREBOUXIA
Abstract: 14 fig. ["In a series of experiments, viable algal and fungal cells contained in such faecal pellets were cultured. The taxonomic affiliation of these isolates was identified using molecular techniques, i.e. comparative investigations of nuclear ribosomal gene data (ITS 1 and 2, 5.8S rDNA) in the algal and fungal partners, and of the species-specific hydrophobin gene sequence in the fungal partner."]