Honegger, R/ Zippler, U/ Gansner, H/ Scherrer, S 2004: Mating systems in the genus Xanthoria (lichen-forming ascomycetes). - Mycological Research108(5): 480-488. [RLL List # 195 / Rec.# 25413] Keywords: GENETIC VARIABILITY/ GENETICS/ HETEROTHALLISM/ HOMOTHALLISM/ MYCOBIONT CULTURE/ SEXUAL REPRODUCTION/ XANTHORIA
Abstract: 3 fig. 3 tab. ["Genetic variability among sterile cultured single ascospore isolates of Xanthoria parietina, X. calcicola, X. ectaneoides, X. polycarpa and X. resendei was investigated with RAPD-PCR." Whereas the other five species are heterothallic, X. parietina is possibly homothallic.]