P. Diederich and J. D. Lawrey 2007: New lichenicolous, muscicolous, corticolous and lignicolous taxa of Burgoa s. l. and Marchandiomyces s. l. (anamorphic Basidiomycota), a new genus for Omphalina foliacea, and a catalogue and a key to the non-lichenized, bulbilliferous basidiomycetes. - Mycological Progress6: 61-80. [RLL List # 208 / Rec.# 29482] Keywords: BULBILLIFEROUS FUNGI/ BULBILS/ MARCHANDIOMYCES/ SISTOTREMA/ BURGOA/ NEW TAXA/ KEY/ CANTHARELLALES/ MINIMEDUSA/ MARCHANDIOMPHALINA/ BURGELLA
Abstract: [New: Burgella gen. nov., B. flavoparmeliae sp. nov. (Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina), Burgoa angulosa Diederich, Lawrey & Etayo sp. nov. (Spain and other European localities), B. moriformis Diederich, Ertz & Coppins sp. nov. (Ireland), B. splendens Diederich & Coppins sp. nov. (Great Britain), Marchandiomyces buckii sp. nov. (North Carolina, Missouri), M. nothofagicola sp. nov. (Chile), Minimedusa pubescens Diederich, Lawrey & Heylen sp. nov. (Belgium, Luxembourg), M. obcoronata (B. Sutton, Kuthub. & Muid) comb. nov., Marchandiomphalina Diederich, Binder & Lawrey gen. nov., M. foliacea (P. M. Jørg.) Diederich, Binder & Lawrey comb. nov. Notes on many other taxa are given, including a lengthy key.]