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J. D. Lawrey, M. Binder, P. Diederich, M. C. Molina, M. Sikaroodi and D. Ertz 2007: Phylogenetic diversity of lichen-associated homobasidiomycetes. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 778-789. [RLL List # 208 / Rec.# 29620]
Abstract: [Study of 23 lichenicolous fungal taxa with nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA. "Phylogenetic analyses in this study indicate that a lichenicolous habit arose in four major clades. In two of these clades the habit represents a major evolutionary theme linked to the origin of well-known basidiolichens. The phylogenetic diversity of these fungi indicates that the lichenicolous habit arose recently and independently in the mushroom-forming fungi."]
– 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.12.023

[Email correction]

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