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Søchting, U./ Garrido-Benavent, I./ Seppelt, R./ Castello, M./ Pérez-Ortega, S./ de los Ríos Murillo, A./ Frödén, P./ Arup, U. 2014: Charcotiana and Amundsenia, two new genera in Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota, subfamily Xanthorioideae) hosting two new species from continental Antarctica, and Austroplaca frigida, a new name for a continental Antarctic species. - The Lichenologist 46(6): 763-782. [RLL List # 240 / Rec.# 36370]
Keywords: Amundsenia approximata/ Amundsenia austrocontinentalis/ bipolar distribution/ Caloplaca approximata/ Caloplaca frigida/ Charcotiana antarctica/ ITS/ lichens/ molecular phylogeny
Abstract: Based on a combined three locus analysis two new genera, Charcotiana and Amundsenia, are proposed in the lichen family Teloschistaceae, subfamily Xanthorioideae. Charcotiana includes the new species C. antarctica, which is known only from continental Antarctica. The bipolar genus Amundsenia includes the new species A. austrocontinentalis, which is also known only from continental Antarctica, and the Arctic species Caloplaca approximata which is here combined into the new genus. The two new genera are phylogenetically distinct, but poor in morphological characters; the new species consist mainly of minute apothecia in cracks of rocks located in the climatically harshest regions of the Antarctic. They are somewhat similar to another continental Antarctic species, Austroplaca frigida, which is described as a new name based on the illegitimate name Caloplaca frigida Søchting. The distribution of the four species is mapped.
– doi:10.1017/S0024282914000395

Genera/Families: Charcotiana/Amundsenia/Teloschistaceae/Caloplaca

Countries/Continents: Antarctica

Notes: New: Charcotiana Søchting, Garrido-Benavent & Arup, Charcotiana antarctica Søchting, Garrido-Benavent, Pérez-Ortega, Seppelt & Castello, Amundsenia Søchting, Garrido-Benavent, Arup & Frödén, Amundsenia approximata (Lynge) Søchting, Arup & Frödén (≡ Caloplaca vitellinula f. approximata Lynge), Amundsenia austrocontinentalis Garrido-Benavent, Søchting, Pérez-Ortega & Seppelt, Austroplaca frigida Søchting & Garrido-Benavent (nom. nov. pro. Caloplaca frigida Søchting non Caloplaca frigida (Paulson) Zahlb))


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