Henssen, A 1965: A review of the genera of the Collemataceae with simple spores (excluding Physma). - The Lichenologist3(1): 29-41. [RLL List # 57 / Rec.# 8312] Keywords: COLLEMA/ NEW TAXA/ COLLEMATACEAE/ LEIGHTONIELLA/ PHYSMA/ RAMALODIUM/ LECIOPHYSMA/ HOMOTHECIUM/ KEYS
Abstract: 4 pl. [Recognition of Leightoniella, Physma, Ramalodium, Leciophysma, and Homothecium; keys. New: Homothecium patagonicum (Ras.) comb. nov., H. chilense (Ras.) comb. nov., Ramalodium neocaledonicum (Ras.) comb. nov., R. japonicum (Asah.) comb. nov., Leightoniella gen. nov., L. zeylanensis (Leight.) comb. nov.]