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Dodge, CW 1973: Lichen Flora of the Antarctic Continent and Adjacent Islands. - Phoenix Publishing Co., Canaan, New Hampshire. xii + 389 pp. [RLL List # 88 / Rec.# 4461]
Abstract: [Many genera and species; keys. New: Verrucaria simplei nom. nov. (for V. maura vain. non Wahlenb.), Sphaerophorus lacunosus (Tuck.) comb. nov., Lecidea brabantica nom. nov. (for L. subcongrua Vain. non Nyl.), Catocarpus gerlachei (Vain.) comb. nov., Cladina laevigata (Vain.) comb. nov., C. vicaria (Sant.) comb. nov., Cladonia propagulifera (Vain.) comb. nov., Agyrophora nana (Vain.) comb. nov., Omphalodiscus bakeri nom. nov. (for Umbilicaria rugosa Dodge & Baker non Hook.), O. eximius (Hue) comb. nov., O spongiosus var. subvirginis (Frey & Lamb) comb. nov., Biatorella chrysea (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Biatorelliopsis antarctica (Murray) comb. nov., B. cerbriformis (Dodge) comb. nov., Sarcogyne medusula sp. nov., Ochrolechia huei nom. nov. (for O. tartarea var. frigida Hue non (Sw.) Körb.), Lecanora leptacinodes (Vain.) comb. nov., Omphalodina aspidophora (Vain.) comb. nov., with fo. aterrima (Hue) comb. nov., O. charcotiana (Hue) comb. nov., O. daltoniana (Hook. f. & Tayl.) comb. nov., O. errabunda (Hue) comb. nov., O. exsulans (Th. Fr.) comb. nov., O. johnstonii (Dodge) comb. nov., O. leucomelaena (Hue) comb. nov., O. mcleanii (Dodge) comb. nov., O. priestleyi (Dodge) comb. nov., O. siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Parmelia disseminata (Hue) comb. nov., P. fuscella (Hue) comb. nov., Usnea aurantiacoatra fo. egentissima (Lamb) comb. nov., U. subpolaris (Lamb.) comb. nov., U. substgrigulosa (Lamb) comb. nov., U. trachycarpoides (Vain.) comb. nov., Protoblastenia hallettensis (Murray) comb. nov., Huea austroshetlandica (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., Caloplaca mawsonii (Dodge) comb. nov., Gasparrinia gainii (Hue) comb. nov., Xanthoria siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Polycaulonia antarctica (Vain.) comb. nov., P. prostrata (Hue) comb. nov., Buellia conspicua fo. cervinogranulata (Lamb) comb. nov., fo. incrassata (Lamb) comb. nov., fo. verrucosa (Lamb) comb. nov., B. filsonii nom. nov. (for B. aff. subpedicellata Fils. non B. subpedicellata (Hue) Darb.), B. gerlachei (Vain.) comb. nov., B. hypopoichila (Vain.) comb. nov., B. lambii nom. nov. (for B. punctata Lmab non Mass.), B. lutea sp. nov., B. racovitzae nom. nov. (for B. prothallina var. indissimilis Vain. non B. indissimilis B. de Lesd.) Diplotomma cremea (Hue) comb. nov. with fo. incrassata (Hue) comb. nov., D. granulosa (Darb.) comb. nov., D. nelsonii (Darb.) comb. nov., D. papillata (Sommerf.) comb. nov., D. siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Diploicia actinobola (Hue) comb. nov., D. huei (Dodge) comb. nov., D. latemarginata (Darb.) comb. nov., D. llanoi (Dodge) comb. nov., D. stipiatat (Dodge) comb. nov., Redonia chilena sp. nov., R. cladocarpiza (Lamb) comb. nov., Rinodina floccosa (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Beltraminia babingtonii (Hook. f. & Tayl.) comb. nov., B. frigida (Darb.) comb. nov., B. molholmii (Dodge) comb. nov., B. petermannii (Hue) comb. nov., B. rudolphii (Dodge) comb. nov., B. stipitata (Dodge) comb. nov., Dirinaria autenboeri (Dodge) comb. nov., D. leoniae (Hue) comb. nov.]

[Email correction]

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