Poelt, J/ Leuckert, C 1976: Lecanora (Plac.) sphalera spec. nov. (Lichenes, Lecanoraceae) und die Frage, die sie stellt. - Herzogia4: 25-31. [RLL List # 96 / Rec.# 14745] Keywords: NEW TAXA/ LECANORA/ PLACODIUM/ LECANORACEAE
Abstract: Lecanora (Plac.) sphalera from Jugoslavia is described as new. It is morphologically nearly identical with the associated Lecanora admontensis. Instead of Usnic acid it contains some xanthones as pigment, chemically very different compounds. The significance of this compensation of compounds is discussed. - The distribution of both Lecanora admontensis and L. sphalera is mapped. 1 figure. [New: Lecanora sphalera sp. nov.]