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Hertel, H. 1975: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenfamilie Lecideaceae V. - Herzogia 3: 365-406. [RLL Suppl.]
Abstract: 1.) Lecidea poeltii (from Nepal) is described as a new species of the Lecidea auriculata group. 2.) The following new combinations are proposed: Huilia aeolotera n.c., H. albocaerulescens n.c., H. albocaerulescens var. polycarpiza n.c., H. crustulata n.c., H. elegantior n.c., H. flavocaerulescens n.c., H. glaucophaea n.c., H. hydrophila n.c., H. macrocarpa n.c., H. macrocarpa var. trullisata n.c., H. melinodes n.c., H. nadvornikiana n.c., H. nigrocruenta n.c., H. platycarpoides n.c., Protoblastenia haematommoides n.c., Trapelia mooreana P. James n.c. 3.) The following taxa are stated to be synonyms (correct names in parenthesis): Haplocarpon Choisy (= Huilia), Huilia alpina Zahlbr. (= Huilia aeolotera), Huilia insularis Zahlbr. (= Huilia aeolotera), Trapelia torellii (Anzi) Hertel (= Trapelia mooreana). 4.) Lecidea oblongula H. Magn. from Utah is found to be a member of the genus Caloplaca s.l. 5.) The name Lecidea hoelii Lynge is proposed to be rejected according to article 71 of the Code, for it was based on a totally damaged specimen of Lecidea cf. lapicida agg. 6.) According to letters of Th. M. FRIES his paper "Lichenes Arctoi" could not be published earlier than November 19, 1860 (until now it was said to be published in April 1860). Therefor Lecidea nivalis Anzi is the correct name of Lecidea rhaetica Th. Fr. 7.) Lecidea sphinctotricha H. Magn. is probably based on a specimen of Huilia crustulata attacked by an imperfect lichen parasite. 8.) For Lecidea speirea a neotype is chosen. 9.) New localities of the following species are reported: Lecidea atronivea (new to Norway and to the Rocky Mts.; second find both in Fennoscandia and America), Lecidea lactea (new to Madeira), Lecidea lynceola (first find outside Fennoscandia), Lecidella carpathica (new to Peru), Trapelia involuta (new to tropical Africa), Trapelia mooreana (new to Asia). 10.) A map shows the known distribution of Lecidea atronivea.

[Email correction]

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