[Reference] [Introduktion] [Instruction] [Database format]

Norwegian BryologiDatabase (NBD)

Genus: - Epithet: - spp./var./f.:
Red list category: RE, CR, EN, VU, NT, DD, Not listed
County: Municipality:
Text string in locality/ecology/host field:
Text string in comment field:
Text string in collector field:
Collected in or after and in or before AD. Include undated collections: Yes - No
Herbarium accession number from to
Latest edit date (

Search data set: SPECIMENS in herbarium: BG - O - TRH - TROM - Notes (O) -, Other data sources(2005-)
Index: Autochoice [ Species - County/municipality (=Fylke/kommune) - Date
NB! Theses selections may significantly extend response time!]
Show records by: Map - Google Earth KML-file - Latitude/Altitude diagram - Labels - Checklist - Tabel - Field delimited data - Management data.
Map sice:


NB! We do not guarantee correct identification of the specimens or correct computerization of the labels. For critical use of the data in this database, please consult the herbaria.

Database updated October 2013